F1b Mini Bernedoodles
Father: Hudson - Cared for by Nolan & Amber Rozeboom family - Alexa's pups were born April 26. 3 males, 5 females. Alexa is 28 lbs, Hudson is 12 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 15-25 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. All of these pups are reserved. |
F1 Mini Bernedoodles
Father: Cooper - Cared for by Nolan & Amber Rozeboom family - Duchess' puppies were born April 28. 4 males, 5 females. Duchess 82 lbs, Cooper 8 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 35-50 lbs. Duchess was imported from Europe. Duchess is genetic and PennHIP tested. Cooper is genetic and OFA tested. We have 1 male, 1 female available in this litter and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $1200 |
F1 Mini Bernedoodles
Father: Cooper - Cared for by Nolan & Amber Rozeboom family - America's puppies were born May 4. 2 males, 1 female. America 85 lbs, Cooper 8 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 35-50 lbs. America and Cooper are genetic and OFA tested. We have 1 male available and he is ready for a home! $1500 |
F1 Mini Bernedoodles
Father: Cooper - Cared for by Greg & Julie Bakker family - Oakley's puppies were born May 16. 3 males, 6 females. Oakley 89 lbs, Cooper 8 lbs. Estimated adult weight 35-50 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 3 males, 2 females available and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $2200 |
F2b Mini Bernedoodles
"Teddy Bear Bernedoodles" Father: Chase - Cared for by Nolan & Amber Rozeboom family - Jaycee's puppies were born May 16. 2 males, 3 females. Jaycee 30 lbs, Chase 17 lbs. Estimated adult weight 20-25 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 1 male, 2 females available and they are ready for homes! $1800 |
F1b Mini Bernedoodles
Father: Hudson - Cared for by Keaton & Kayla Hoogendoorn family - Kaida's puppies were born May 28. 5 males, 4 females. Kaida 38 lbs, Hudson 11 lbs. Estimated adult weight 20-30 lbs. Parents are genetic tested. We have 2 males, 1 female available in this litter and they are ready for homes! $2200 |
F1bb Tiny Bernedoodles
"Teddy Bear Bernedoodles" Father: Chase - Cared for by Nolan & Amber Rozeboom family - - At a guardian home family - Tootie's puppies were born July 11. 2 males, 4 females. $3800 These puppies will be ready for homes September 5. Tootsie 23 lbs, Chase 17 lbs. Estimated adult weight 18-20 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 2 males and 2 females available in this litter. |
F1 Mini Bernedoodles
Father: Cooper - Cared for by Nolan & Amber Rozeboom family - Remi's puppies were born July 15. 3 males, 4 females. $3500-$3800 These puppies will be ready for homes September 9. Remi 75 lbs, Cooper 8 lbs. Estimated adult weight 35-50 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 2 males, 3 females available in this litter. |
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