F1b Medium Goldendoodles
Father: Henri - Cared for by Levi & Mariah Rus family - Luna's puppies were born May 15. 5 males, 5 females. Luna is 57 lbs, Henri is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 30-40 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 1 male available in this litter and he is ready for a home. Reduced pricing $1500 |
F1 Mini Goldendoodles
Father: Leo - Cared for by Leland & Linnea Rozeboom family - Betsy's puppies were born May 17. 3 males, 8 females. Estimated adult weight: 25-35 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 1 male, 5 females available in this litter and they are ready for homes. Reduced pricing $1500 |
F1bb Mini Goldendoodles
Father: Leo - Cared for by Levi & Mariah Rus family - Molly's puppies were born May 19. 5 males, 2 females. Molly is 19 lbs, Leo is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 15-20 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 3 males, 1 female available in this litter and they are ready for homes. Reduced pricing $1500 |
F1bb Medium Goldendoodles
Father: Henri - Cared for by Levi & Mariah Rus family - Ginger's puppies were born May 21. 5 males, 4 females. Ginger is 42 lbs, Henri is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 25-30 lbs. Parents are genetic tested. We have 3 males, 3 females available in this litter and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $1800 |
F2bb Tiny Goldendoodles
Father: Nico - Cared for by Levi & Mariah Rus family - Nevaeh's puppies were born May 24. 1 male, 4 females. Nevaeh is 14 lbs, Nico is 6.5 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 8-13 lbs. Parents are genetic tested. We have 1 male, 1 female available in this litter and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $1500 |
F1 Mini English Goldendoodles
Father: Leo - Cared for by Andrew & Marie Spaans family - Ava's puppies were born May 24. 5 males, 4 females. Ava is 42 lbs, Leo is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 20-30 lbs. Parents are genetic tested and OFA tested. We have 1 male, 2 females available in this litter and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $1800 |
F1bb Medium Goldendoodles
Father: Henri - Cared for by Levi & Mariah Rus family - Mabel's puppies were born May 26. 8 males, 2 females. Mabel is 54 lbs, Henri is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 25-40 lbs. Parents are genetic tested. We have 7 males, 2 females available in this litter and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $1800 |
F1bb Mini Goldendoodles
Father: Henri - Cared for by Levi & Mariah Rus family - Izzy's puppies were born May 27. 3 males, 5 females. Izzy is 21 lbs, Henri is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 15-20 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 2 males, 3 females available in this litter and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $2000 |
F1b Mini Goldendoodles
Father: Henri - Cared for by Leland & Linnea Rozeboom family - Allie's puppies were born June 15. 4 males, 5 females. Estimated adult weight 18-25 lbs. Allie is 28 lbs., Henri is 15 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 5 males available in this litter and they are ready for homes! Reduced price $2000 |
F1 Mini English Goldendoodles
Father: Leo - Cared for by Andrew & Marie Spaans family - Maggie's puppies to be born July 20. 4 males, 6 females. These puppies will be ready for homes September 14. Maggie is 50 lbs., Leo is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 25-35 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 3 males, 1 female available in this litter. $2500 |
F1b Mini English Goldendoodles
Father: Leo - Cared for by Andrew & Marie Spaans family - Belle's puppies were born July 28. 6 males, 2 females. $2800 These puppies will be ready for homes September 21. Bell is 41 lbs., Leo is 15 lbs. Estimated adult weight: 20-30 lbs. Parents are genetic and OFA tested. We have 5 males, 1 female available in this litter. $2800 |
F1b Mini Goldendoodles
Father: Jax - Cared for by Levi & Mariah Rus family - Rosie's puppies were born July 31. 5 males, 1 female. $2500 These puppies will be ready for homes September 25. Estimated adult weight: 15-20 lbs. Rosie is genetic tested and PennHip tested. Jax is genetic and OFA tested. |
F1bb Mini Goldendoodles
Father: Murphy - Cared for by Greg & Julie Bakker family - Cookie's puppies were born August 6. 2 males, 3 females. $2500 These puppies will be ready for homes October 1. Estimated adult weight 15-20 lbs. Parents are genetic tested. |
Here are some pictures that we received from the new owners and will give you an idea of what the puppies will look like as they grow up.
We always enjoy receiving pictures from the adopting families! Feel free to e-mail some. |
Little paws of iowa |
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